Are you ready to lead the transition to a new society?
February –
April 2022
3-month journey incl. 4 Workshops + coaching hours
Online or at the Impact Hub Geneva
Programme Fees:
Early Bird rate CHF 3'250.-

We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today.
We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.
This is a time for vigorous and positive action.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why choose the Intrapreneurship Academy?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer an opportunity for organisations to develop innovative business models, as well as adopting a more agile, entrepreneurial and resilient culture needed for achieving impact at scale.
The Intrapreneurship Academy is a unique professional development programme enabling young professionals and future leaders to tackle key innovation challenges and opportunities within their organisations, and equipping them with the mindsets and skills needed to drive change for the achievement of the SDGs.
The Journey
The program is based on innovation methodologies Design Thinking and Theory-U, and accompanies the participants through a transformational leadership journey while tackling a real-life innovation challenge of their organisation.
It comprises four 1.5 day workshops as well as expert coaching and peer-sessions over the period February - April 2022.
1. Set Yourself up
for Success
Foundations of innovation, defining the challenge,, resilience and leadership
2. Define Your
Users’ needs, ideation and prototyping, influencing skills, entrepreneurial mindset.
3. Design Your Product/Service
Alignement to potential, systemic change and tools for collaboration.
4. Pitch Your
Pitching an offer, business case and growth hacking, transformational leadership
Who is it for?
An employee of an organisation from the private or public sector committed to contributing to the SDGs
Interest in innovation, entrepreneurship, positive impact or the new economy
High-potential professionals with around 5-7 years’ work experience

You will walk away with

You will learn how to apply the Design Thinking methodology to develop a solution the SDG challenge you or your organisation is grappling with

You will build your solution around a sustainable business model in order to be viable

You will gain unique leadership and influencing skills for achieving impact at scale
Snapshots from our 2020 edition

Our Experts
Our Team
Erica Mazerolle

is an experienced facilitator trained in Art of Hosting and Leading from the Emerging Future (MIT). She holds a B.A. Geography and Public Policy from Concordia University, Montreal and a M.A. Development and Sustainability from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. Through her work as a social innovation designer at Impact Hub, she uses participatory methods to guide public, private and civic stakeholders on their journey towards cross-sector collaboration for societal transformation.
Having lived and worked in Mali, India, Haiti, Canada, Mexico, the United States, Ireland, England and now Switzerland, she is highly skilled at supporting intercultural exchange and harnessing diversity as a creative force. She is a native speaker of Spanish, French and English.

Alexandra 'Santu' Boëthius
is the co-founder of Impact Hub Geneva and Impact Hub Lausanne, part of the leading community of social innovation and entrepreneurship in Switzerland and across the world.
She initiated Accelerate2030 in 2016 with her team and partners, and is driving the strategic development of the program. She has spoken at various fora such as the UN General Assembly, and the World Investment Forum and holds an MSc in political science from the London School of Economics.
Covid-19 Measures
All Impact Hub Geneva events and courses are organised in strict compliance with the sanitary measures and recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health as well as the State of Geneva.